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Pareto FM Pioneers Inaugural Future Leaders Event


The inaugural Tomorrow Meets Today event took place last night at the home of Candy Crush in Covent Garden.Organised by Sodexo’s Sajna Rahman and Pareto’s Andrew Hulbert the event saw 35 of FMs up and coming faces receive top of the range pointers and tips from some of the biggest names in the industry.

After a talk by host and WeAreTheCity founder Vanessa Vallely mentoring took place in a speed-dating style format before the panel of leaders, featuring Debra Ward, Ross Abbate, Margot Slattery, Katy Dowding, Jeremy Waud, Gary Kidd, Nick Thompson and Steve Davies answered questions from those vying to take their places one day.

"The night surpassed all out expectations and was one of the most inspirational events of the year" commented

Andrew Hulbert. "This unique format allowed the gap to be bridged between Tomorrow and Today's leaders. It has been one of my proudest achievements within the YMF and the feedback has been fantastic."

Brains behind the event Rahman commented:“Last night’s event was phenomenal. The strong engagement between the future leaders and today’s was incredible to see, the positive feedback on the event has been overwhelming and yes planning for next year’s Tomorrow Meets Today already in progress.”

FMJ is delighted to have supported the event from the beginning, to view the full interviews with today’s leaders and quotes from the 35 stars of tomorrow click here:

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